A user-friendly
point-of-sale (POS)
system designed to meet your specific needs

Improve your checkout operations with LPOS

The ideal POS should help you reduce manual entries and low-value tasks to give you more time for what really counts. Choosing the right POS will perhaps be one of your best business decisions.

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Manage your retail operations efficiently with L-BOSS

Running a business is complex: as a retailer, your workdays are a constant race against the clock. Trying to do everything manually or on your own will not necessarily yield the success you anticipated.

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A new era in retail operations and in-store customer experience

L-BOSS Mobile, our mobile technology, has a fresh new look and an improved user interface. With a focus on line busting, product management, inventory counting, POs and price labelling, our goal is to provide tools that can help your business thrive in the digital-centric future.

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Provide your customers with a seamless experience across all channels and touchpoints

Go beyond traditional brick-and-mortar shopping and give your customers a unified experience across all channels and touch points. L-Omni transforms retail operations, empowers purchase processes, and creates dynamic customer experiences.

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A robust solution for businesses addressing time, labour, costs, and customer satisfaction

The ACCEO Logivision Self-Checkout leverages today’s most advanced retail technology to provide you and your customers with the ultimate self-checkout experience.

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L-SCO video

Among the benefits L-SCO offers retailers are enhanced customer satisfaction and in-store experience, reduced staff workload, and optimized retail floor space.

I am thrilled to share our experience with ACCEO Logivision POS and Retail Management System. As the largest Canadian-owned pet specialty retailer, we were looking for a user-friendly, flexible, and reliable POS solution that could help us manage inventory, process transactions, manage loyalty programs and monitor sales in real-time. I am happy to say that ACCEO Logivision has exceeded our expectations in every way.

– Neil Donpaul, IT Director, Global Bancorp Inc.


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